Modify Activity Details

Activities represent the work to be performed in a project's schedule, but they also can be associated with many of the other objects that belong to the project, including files, resources, risks, roles, scope assignments, tasks, and work packages. In addition to the standard details that characterize an activity, you can modify details for the objects connected to the activity.

Note: For Level of Effort and WBS Summary type activities, weather risks are ignored and not included in the risk analysis. The schedule impact of a risk mapped to Level of Effort and WBS Summary type activities is ignored and not included in the risk analysis. However, the cost impact of weather risks and risks with a schedule impact is still included in the risk analysis for Level of Effort and WBS Summary type activities.

Activity details can be modified in a variety of areas on the Activities page, including the Activity table, detail windows, the Actions menu, the Gantt chart, and the context menu.

The following is a comprehensive list, grouped by subject area, of editable activity details. Many of the topics below are optional depending on your needs. Some of the topics can also be found in the Resource-Loaded Scheduling Overview procedure, which contains all of the necessary topics for using resource units and costs on the activities in your schedule.



Resource Assignments







Gantt Chart

Renumber Activity IDs

Activity Deletion

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