Add a Task to an Activity
Add tasks and task milestones to your activities to further enhance the level of detail of work required to complete your project. Add tasks to activities with a Type of Activity Dependent or Resource Dependent and assign the company responsible for completing work on the task. Optionally, assign a task duration, due date, proposed due date, completed date, a user responsible for performing the task, a code, and more. When tasks are added, indicators show if task dates fall outside of activity date ranges, if tasks are completed before their assigned activity, or if an activity is completed before all of its assigned tasks.
Tasks added to your activities on the Activities page will also appear on pages in the Tasks app, where you can choose to commit to work on the task or mark the task complete. The name of an existing task that has been assigned to an activity in the Tasks app appears in the Tasks detail window for the selected activity as a hyperlink. Clicking the task name will direct you to that task on the Task List page and select the task. Tasks that have hand-offs with other tasks cannot be edited in the Tasks detail window.
To add a task to an activity:
- Navigate to the Activities page
- In the object selector, select ﱆ Project or Program, and then select a project or a program from the list.
- From the Main Menu, select Schedule, and then select Activities.
- In the table, select the activity.
- On the Layout menu, select Activity Details, and then select the Tasks detail window.
Note: If the Tasks detail window is hidden in your current view, navigate to the Activity Details window, and then select Tasks in the Show/Hide Tabs menu.
- In the Tasks detail window, select Add.
- In the new row, complete the following required fields:
- Task Name: Enter a task name.
- Type: Select Task or Task Milestone.
- Company: Select a company.
- Duration: Enter a task duration.
- All changes made to this page are saved automatically.
- Data in the Tasks detail window can only be edited in the current schedule.
- WBS Summary type activities cannot have tasks, constraints, or expected finish dates. These fields will be read-only. If you change an existing activity type to WBS Summary, data in these fields will be removed.
Last Published Tuesday, January 21, 2025