Set a Portfolio's Project and Program Lists to Refresh Automatically
Projects and programs are added to portfolios using filters, but programs can also be added manually. The portfolio's project list and program list (with filters) can be set to refresh automatically on a set schedule. The selected frequency applies to both lists.
To refresh the project and program list in a portfolio automatically:
- In the object selector, select Portfolio, and then select View Portfolios List.
- In the table, select a portfolio, and select the Project List or Program List detail window.
- In the detail window, select Settings.
Note: This option is only visible in the Program List detail window if programs are added using filters.
- In the Settings panel, on the Automatic Refresh tab, select Automatically Refresh Portfolio to enable the setting.
- In the Refresh Frequency list, select how often the portfolio list should refresh.
- In the Settings panel, select Apply.
- Select Save.
- To manually refresh the portfolio's lists, in the Project List or Program List detail window, select Refresh. This will refresh both the project list and program list. The last refresh date displays in both detail windows.
- For best performance, it is recommended to limit the number of projects in a portfolio to 10,000. Adjust the filter criteria to reduce the number of included projects.
You can also perform this task from the Summary & Settings page for the object in Primavera Cloud:
- In the object selector, select Portfolio.
- In the object selector, beside a portfolio name, select , and then select View Summary & Settings.
- On the Summary & Settings page, select Details.
Last Published Wednesday, February 19, 2025