Assign a User or User Group Access to a Portfolio
You can assign users to portfolios individually or through user groups. Each user or user group must be assigned a portfolio security permission set. A user group may have been configured with a default permission set. This permission set can be changed for the portfolio assignment at any time.
To assign user access to a portfolio:
- In the object selector, select Portfolio.
- In the object selector, beside a portfolio name, select , and then select View Summary & Settings.
- On the Summary & Settings page, select Security.
- Select the Assign menu, and then select User or Group.
- In the Assign User or Assign Group dialog box, enter the user or group name.
- Select the name and select Next.
- In the Permission Set field, select the permission set.
Note: If you assigned a user group that is configured with a default permission set, you can keep the default or select another if necessary.
- Add any other optional permission sets applicable to that user or group.
- Select Assign.
- Select Save.
- There are two permission sets provided by the application that you can assign to users and user groups:
- The Administrator (System) permission set has all privileges assigned. It grants all functionality for an object as well as access to all of the object's data. It also grants the ability to edit the user and user group security for that object.
- The View Only (System) permission set provides read-only access to objects and their data. The View Only (System) permission set for a portfolio does not include access to cost or financial information.
- If you added the portfolio in the application, you are automatically assigned access to the portfolio with the Administrator (System) permission set assigned.
- The Search feature searches the entire list of users for matches. During that initial search, it will stop after finding 500 results, then filter out those who have already been assigned. For this reason, your maximum number of search results might vary. To limit the number of results, be as specific as possible when entering a name in the search field. For example, enter the first and last name of the user.
Last Published Wednesday, February 19, 2025