Assignment List Overview
Resource assignments can be viewed on the Assignment List page at the workspace, project, and program levels, enabling resource and project managers to review resource allocation for planning and analysis.
At the workspace and program levels, you can view all resources that are assigned to the projects in the workspace (and its child workspaces) or program. At the project level, you can view all resources that are assigned to the project.
The Assignment List page can be used by resource and project managers to:
- Review time-phased unit, cost, and other details for the resources assigned to your projects.
- Group resource assignments by code, activity, associated role, project, and more.
- Track unstaffed roles by their units, costs, or lack of assigned resource.
- Ensure the right resources are working on the right assignments and are adequately allocated.
- Monitor resource and role cost usage.
- Enable and manage FTE settings for resources and roles.
- Create or edit resource or role assignments using the Assign Activities panel.
- Delete assignments directly from the page.
- Adjust spread data for assignments to more accurately analyze resource allocation over time.
- (Project level only) Download the entire spread of resource and role data across multiple planning buckets into a spreadsheet for further analysis.
Configure the Table from the List Page -
Use Find and Replace on the List Page
Assign a Resource or Role to an Activity from the Assignment List
Edit Resource and Role Spread Data in the Assignment List
Download Resource and Role Spread Data from the Assignment List Page
Configure FTE Settings for Resource and Role Usage on the Assignment List Page
Last Published Tuesday, January 21, 2025