Filter Inbox Items

You can filter your Inbox items to help manage your workload.

To filter Inbox items:

  1. In the header, select View notifications.
  2. In the Notifications panel, select View Inbox.
  3. On the Inbox page, filter your Inbox:
    1. Select a pre-defined filter:
      • All: View all of your Inbox items.
      • Action Required: View Inbox items that require you to take action on them.
      • Flagged: View flagged Inbox items.
      • Unread: View unread Inbox items.
      • Manager: View the Inbox from the manager view. This view shows active workflow tasks managed by you.
      • Archive: View archived Inbox items.
    2. Select any number of filters from the Filter By section:
      • Type: Filter by the type item in your Inbox. Options include Action Required, Alerts, Background Services, Mention, and Share.
      • Project: Filter by projects that you receive notifications for.
      • Due Date: Filter by the due date of activities or tasks. You can filter from preset options, or enter a custom date range.
      • Received Date: Filter by the date that you received Inbox items.
      • Assigned To: Filter by the user that Inbox items are assigned to.
      • From: Filter by the user that Inbox items are from.
      • Managed By: Filter by the manager of Inbox items.
