Distribution Results Fields
Depending on your settings, the following fields might appear on the page as table columns, spreadsheet rows, or in detail windows. Fields that are generic across the application, such as Name, may not be included here.
Remaining Cost Fields
The remaining cost coming from the schedule before any risk or uncertainty captured at the time the risk analysis was run.
Risk Responses
The project level remaining cost coming from the risk response cost.
Deterministic Plus Risk Responses
The project level remaining cost coming from the schedule added to the remaining cost from the risk response.
Deterministic Probability
The probability of being at or below the deterministic remaining cost.
The target remaining cost.
Target Probability
The probability of being at or below the target remaining cost.
Optimistic (P10)
An optimistic cost that the Risk Analysis says there is, for example, a 10% chance of being at or below. The level can be set in Run Risk Analysis settings.
The cost that the Risk Analysis says there is a 50% chance of being at or below.
Pessimistic (P90)
A pessimistic cost that the Risk Analysis says there is, for example, a 90% chance of being at or below. The level can be set in Run Risk Analysis settings.
Pessimistic Contingency
The difference between the pessimistic percentile remaining cost and the deterministic remaining cost.
Pessimistic Variance (P90)
The difference between the pre-response pessimistic percentile remaining cost and the post-response pessimistic percentile remaining cost. Available in the Response Context of Pre- and Post- Response.
The minimum remaining cost during the risk analysis.
The maximum remaining cost during the risk analysis.
The average (mean) remaining cost during the risk analysis.
Standard Deviation
How much the distribution of remaining costs for all iterations in the risk analysis deviates from the calculated mean remaining cost.
At Completion Cost Fields
The at completion cost coming from the schedule before any risk or uncertainty captured at the time the risk analysis was run.
Risk Responses
The project level at completion cost coming from the risk response cost.
Deterministic Plus Risk Responses
The project level at completion cost coming from the schedule added to the at completion cost from the risk response.
Deterministic Probability
The probability of being at or below the deterministic at completion cost.
The target at completion cost.
Target Probability
The probability of being at or below the target at completion cost.
Optimistic (P10)
An optimistic cost that the Risk Analysis says there is, for example, a 10% chance of being at or below. The level can be set in Run Risk Analysis settings.
The cost that the Risk Analysis says there is a 50% chance of being at or below.
Pessimistic (P90)
A pessimistic cost that the Risk Analysis says there is, for example, a 90% chance of being at or below. The level can be set in Run Risk Analysis settings.
Pessimistic Contingency
The difference between the pessimistic percentile at completion cost and the deterministic at completion cost.
Pessimistic Variance (P90)
The difference between the pre-response and post-response at completion cost values. Available in the Response Context of Pre- and Post- Response.
The minimum at completion cost during the risk analysis.
The maximum at completion cost during the risk analysis.
The average (mean) at completion cost during the risk analysis.
Standard Deviation
How much the distribution of at completion costs for all iterations in the risk analysis deviates from the calculated mean at completion cost.
Duration Fields
The schedule remaining duration coming from the schedule before any risk or uncertainty captured at the time the risk analysis was run.
Deterministic Probability
The probability of being at or before the deterministic remaining duration.
Optimistic (P10)
An optimistic duration that the Risk Analysis says there is, for example, a 10% chance of being at or before. The level can be set in Run Risk Analysis settings.
The duration that the Risk Analysis says there is a 50% chance of being at or before.
Pessimistic (P90)
A pessimistic duration that the Risk Analysis says there is, for example, a 90% chance of being at or before. The level can be set in Run Risk Analysis settings.
Pessimistic Contingency
The difference between the pessimistic percentile remaining duration and the deterministic remaining duration.
Pessimistic Variance (P90)
The difference between the pre-response and post-response remaining duration values. Available in the Response Context of Pre- and Post- Response.
The minimum remaining duration during the risk analysis.
The maximum remaining duration during the risk analysis.
The average (mean) remaining duration during risk analysis.
Standard Deviation
How much the distribution of remaining duration for all iterations in the risk analysis deviates from the calculated mean remaining duration.
Start Date Fields
The start date coming from the schedule before any risk or uncertainty captured at the time the risk analysis was run.
Deterministic Probability
The probability of being at or before the deterministic start date.
Optimistic (P10)
An optimistic date that the Risk Analysis says there is, for example, a 10% chance of being at or before. The level can be set in Run Risk Analysis settings.
The date that the Risk Analysis says there is a 50% chance of being at or before.
Pessimistic (P90)
A pessimistic date that the Risk Analysis says there is, for example, a 90% chance of being at or before. The level can be set in Run Risk Analysis settings.
Pessimistic Contingency
The difference between the pessimistic percentile start date and the deterministic start date.
Pessimistic Variance (P90)
The difference between the pre-response and post-response pessimistic start date values. Available in the Response Context of Pre- and Post- Response.
The earliest start date during the risk analysis.
The latest start date during the risk analysis.
The average (mean) start date during the risk analysis.
Standard Deviation
How much the distribution of start date for all iterations in the risk analysis deviates from the calculated mean start date.
Finish Date Fields
The finish date coming from the schedule before any risk or uncertainty captured at the time the risk analysis was run.
Deterministic Probability
The probability of being at or before the deterministic finish date.
The target finish date.
Target Probability
The probability of being at or before the target finish date.
Optimistic (P10)
An optimistic date that the Risk Analysis says there is, for example, a 10% chance of being at or before. The level can be set in Run Risk Analysis settings.
The date that the Risk Analysis says there is a 50% chance of being at or before.
Pessimistic (P90)
A pessimistic date that the Risk Analysis says there is, for example, a 90% chance of being at or before. The level can be set in Run Risk Analysis settings.
Pessimistic Contingency
The difference between the pessimistic percentile finish date and the deterministic finish date.
Pessimistic Variance (P90)
The difference between the pre-response and post-response pessimistic finish dates. Available in the Response Context of Pre- and Post- Response.
The earliest finish date during the risk analysis.
The latest finish date during the risk analysis.
The average (mean) finish date during the risk analysis.
Standard Deviation
How much the distribution of finish date for all iterations in the risk analysis deviates from the calculated mean finish date.
Schedule & Cost Fields
The finish date coming from the schedule before any risk or uncertainty captured at the time the risk analysis was run.
Deterministic Probability
The probability of being at or before the deterministic finish date.
The target finish date.
Target Probability
The probability of being at or before the target finish date.
Target Contingency
The difference between the target finish date and the deterministic finish date.
At Completion Cost
The at completion cost coming from the schedule before any risk or uncertainty captured at the time the risk analysis was run.
Deterministic Probability
The probability of being at or below the deterministic at completion cost.
The target at completion cost.
Target Probability
The probability of being at or below the target at completion cost.
Target Contingency
The difference between the target at completion cost and the deterministic at completion cost.
Joint Confidence Level
The probability of being both at or before the deterministic finish date and at or below the deterministic at completion cost.
The probability of being both at or before the target finish date and at or below the target at completion cost. Set target values to see the Joint Confidence Level, or set a Joint Confidence Level to view corresponding target at completion cost and target finish date.
Last Published Wednesday, February 19, 2025