Add an Exchange Rate

Add exchange rates to currencies to keep cost calculations up-to-date. Exchange rates added to workspace currencies will apply to project currencies. A workspace currency must have an exchange rate defined to appear in the list of currencies available to the project. You can add past exchange rates to retain a historical record before the currency is in use, or you can enter the current exchange rate. You cannot enter future exchange rates. You cannot delete or edit historical exchange rates. All exchange rates must be added to the currency in the owning workspace.

For workspaces with workspace currency, all cost data will be recalculated and exchange rates updated based on the latest exchange rate of the workspace currency.

To add an exchange rate to a currency:

  1. Navigate to the Currencies dictionary page
  2. On the Currencies page, in the table, select a currency.
  3. In the Exchange Rates detail window, enter an Effective Date and Exchange Rate.
  4. Select Save.

This setting is used in the following apps:

Cost and Funds
Portfolio Analysis
Strategic Alignment