Add a Chart

Add a Chart Video

Charts can be used in workspace, project, program, or portfolio dashboards. They are created either from the Charts page of the Dashboards app in a workspace or from the dashboard editor in a workspace, project, or portfolio. Create charts to use as building blocks for dashboards. Specify the grouping, filtering, and trending of the chart. You can also specify which metrics are used to configure charts.

Charts can be created for the following subject areas:

To add a chart from the Charts page:

  1. In the object selector, select Workspace, select View Workspaces List, and then select a workspace name.
  2. From the Main Menu, select Dashboards, and then select Charts.
  3. On the Charts page, select Add.
  4. In the Configure Chart wizard, configure the following sections:
    1. Chart Details:
      1. Chart Name: Enter a chart name.
      2. Chart ID: Enter a chart ID if you would like to change the automatically generated one.
      3. Chart Type: Select the chart type.
        • Note: The Chart Settings available to you change based on your selected chart type.
      4. Subject Area: Select the chart subject area and a grouping type, if applicable. By default, charts are not grouped.
      5. Project Preview: If applicable, select a project or portfolio to use for the data preview.
    2. History Range (not available for Pie, Bubble, or Table chart types):
      1. Enable Trending: Select Enable Trending to show trend data and display the history of a numeric field over a specified period of time or interval of time.
        • Show history data from: Specify a starting date from which to show trend data.
        • Specify number of day, weeks, or months ago: Specify trending date as number of days, weeks, or months ago.
        • Show history data between: Specify the date range to show history data.
        • Time Series Data Granularity: Choose the granularity or the intervals at which data points are recorded and displayed. For example, select Daily to enable trending daily at midnight or Mid Daily to enable trending daily at noon.
    3. Filters: Choose the criteria you want to use to filter, such as custom date filtering.

      Filter criteria can match some or all of your specifications. You can add up to 5 rows of filtering criteria.

    4. Sort (available only for Table chart type): Specify how you want your filtered data to be sorted in the table data:
      1. Sort By: Select the field to sort your data by. The drop-down menu displays fields based on your selected subject area.
      2. Sort Order: Specify the order in which you want to sort data.
    5. Chart Settings: Specify chart settings to display your charts exactly how you want.
      • Note: The available chart setting options change based on your selected chart type.
      1. Tooltips: Enable tooltips to provide information about a data field when you hover over it on the chart.
      2. Axis Title: Provide the titles for horizontal and vertical axes.
      3. Labels:
        • Value: Select this option to show data value in charts and specify the position in the chart where you want to display the values.
        • Stack Total (available only for Stacked Horizontal Bar and Stacked Vertical Bar chart types): Select this option to show an overall total of the stacks.
      4. Grid Lines: Select whether the grid lines are horizontal, or vertical, or both.
      5. Miscellaneous: Specify miscellaneous settings, such as the position of the chart legend.
      6. Axis Bounds (available only for Horizontal Bar, Stacked Horizontal Bar, Vertical Bar, Stacked Vertical Bar, and Line chart types): Specify the minimum and maximum values for an axis. Select the Automatic check box if you want the minimum and maximum values for the data axis to be computed automatically.
      7. Meter Values (available only for Status Meter chart type):
        • Colors: Select the High, Medium, and Low Colors for the status meter chart.
        • Orientation: Select the orientation of the status meter chart.
      8. Color (available only for Tree Map chart type): Select the color for the tree map chart.
      9. Table Values (available only for Table chart type):
        • Rearrange Column: Select this check box if you want to be able to rearrange columns on your table chart.
        • Sort Columns: Select this check box if you want to sort the columns on your chart.
        • Measures: Specify to display measures in the table as Values, Indicators, Values and Indicators, or Indicators and Values.
        • Column Width: Specify the column width.
        • Limit Number of rows to: Specify the number of rows that you want to display on the chart.
          • Note: The filtered and sorted data is used when the number of rows is set to a value. For example, if rows are set to 10, then 10 rows at the top of the filtered and sorted data are displayed.
      10. Table Settings (available only for Pivot Table chart type):
        • Column Label: Specify the column label of your pivot chart.
        • Row Label: Specify the row label of your pivot chart.
        • Column Width: Specify the column width.
        • Limit Number of rows to: Specify the number of rows that you want to display on the chart.
    6. Chart Data: Choose fields for the chart. The metrics available depend on the subject area. Choose the sorting options for the data set. The options available are dependent on the fields selected.
      • Note: The available Chart Data options change based on your selected chart type.
      • Specify grouping type or aggregation type, if applicable. Choose the colors you want the data to be plotted in. Depending on the data field type chosen, the following aggregate options might be available:
        • None: No aggregate type is applied to the data field.
        • Average: The average amount of the values in the data field.
        • Count: The number of the selected data fields. For example, if you have three values in the data field, then the Count will be three.
        • Summation: The sum of all of the values in the data field.
        • Distinct Count: The number of distinct values of the selected data fields. For example, if you have five values, and four of the values are the same, then the distinct count for the data will be two.
        • Maximum: The maximum value in the data field.
        • Minimum: The minimum value in the data field.
  5. Select Apply to generate a preview.
  6. Select Save.
