Download an Import Template for Importing CBS Codes
Download a Microsoft Excel template to use when importing a workspace CBS. The number of levels in the segment definition in the spreadsheet must match the number of levels in the segment definition in the application.
To download an import template:
- In the object selector, select Workspace.
- In the object selector, beside a workspace name, select , and then select View Summary & Settings.
- On the Summary & Settings page, select Dictionaries, and then select CBS.
- On the CBS page, select Create CBS.
- In the CBS Setup dialog box, select Create new, and select Next.
- Provide at least one segment definition. Each segment definition you enter here corresponds with a level in the CBS hierarchy. The number of segment definitions you create determines the number of hierarchical levels you can have in your CBS. For example, if you only define one segment, then the CBS will be a flat list with one level. If, however, you define two segments, then the CBS can be two levels deep, with some CBS codes nested under the top-level CBS codes. Use these fields to provide segment definitions:
- Name: The name of the segment definition. Remember, here you are defining the name of the hierarchical level, not the name of an individual item. For example, if you are using MasterFormat to organize specs and documents, it would make more sense to enter "Divisions" here than to enter something like "Procurement and Contracting" or "General Requirements." That's because each of these things is itself a division. After you have defined the segment definitions, you can enter the individual divisions—like "Procurement and Contracting" or "General Requirements"—back where you are defining the CBS.
- Default Value: For CBS codes that are subordinate to top-level CBS codes, this optional default value appears in their place before you add them. For example, let's say you've defined two segments, one called Divisions and another called Subdivisions. Let's also say that the default value for Subdivisions is 00. On the Cost Sheet page, if you add a new top-level CBS code titled "HVAC", then that code will be appended with 00 to read "HVAC 00." The Separator value determines how this default code is separated from the name of the parent code. In this case, we're using a space.
- Separator: The separator that follows the name of the division. This can be a period, space, or hyphen. For example, let's say you have two segment definitions and have set the Separator value of the top-level segment to be a period. Let's also say the default value for both is 00. If you then add a new top-level CBS code titled "HVAC," it will appear on the Cost Sheet page as "HVAC.00".
- Select Finish.
- On the CBS page, select the Actions menu, and then select Download Import Template.
- Select Save.
- The import template is downloaded as a Microsoft Excel file with the default file name, ExportDataToSpreadsheet.
- The top two rows of the CBS Codes worksheet are required when importing data from a worksheet. Do not change the data in these rows.
- The top row of the Segment Separators worksheet is required when importing data from a worksheet. If you need to add another level to your hierarchy, increment the level number for each new level.
- The segment definition specified in the spreadsheet must match the segment definition specified in the application.
- Review the Instructions worksheet on the first tab of the spreadsheet for helpful tips on populating the import template.
This setting is used in the following apps:
Cost and Funds |
Risk |
Scope |
Last Published Wednesday, February 19, 2025