Work Packages Fields
Depending on your settings, the following fields might appear on the page as table columns, spreadsheet rows, or in detail windows. Fields that are generic across the application, such as Name, may not be included here.
Baseline Finish
The planned finish date for the work package as is set in the current baseline.
This field is populated with the Revised Finish date at the time that the current baseline is set.
Baseline Start
The planned start date for the work package as is set in the current baseline.
This field is populated with the Revised Start date at the time that the current baseline is set.
Effective Finish
The latest Effective Finish date of all scope assignments in the work package.
This is a read-only field.
Effective Start
The earliest Effective Start date of all scope assignments in the work package.
This is a read-only field.
Installed Finish
The date work on the work package is complete.
This is the latest Installed Finish date of all scope assignments in the work package.
Installed Start
The date work on the work package began.
This is the earliest Installed Start date of all scope assignments in the work package.
Original Finish
The date the work on the work package is scheduled to finish.
This field is populated with the Data Date plus 4 days when the work package is created, but it can be manually modified until the Original Baseline is set.
If the Data Date is specified after the Original Finish date is set and the Original Start date is before the Data Date, the application sets the Original Finish date to be the same date relative to Original Start before the Data Date was modified when the Modify Dates feature is run.
If there is no activity link, the field is locked when the original baseline is set.
If there is an activity link, before the original baseline is set the field is populated with the earliest Planned Finish date of all linked activities. After the baseline is set, the field is locked.
Original Start
The date the work on the work package is scheduled to begin.
This field is populated with the Data Date with the work package is created, but it can be manually modified until the Original Baseline is set.
If the Data Date is specified, Original Start cannot be set to a date earlier than the Data Date. If the Data Date is specified after the Original Start date is set and the Original Start date is before the Data Date, the Original Start is populated with the Data Date when the Modify Dates feature is run.
If there is no activity link, this field is locked when the original baseline is set.
If there is an activity link, before the original baseline is set this field is populated with the earliest Planned Start dates of all linked activities. After the baseline is set, the field is locked.
Planned Finish
The date the work on the work package is scheduled to finish.
If there is no activity link, this field is populated with the Original Finish date until the original baseline is set. It can be manually modified after the original baseline is set.
If Data Date is specified after the Planned Finish date is set and the Planned Start date is before the Data Date, the application sets the Planned Finish date to be the same date relative to Planned Start before the Data Date was modified when the Modify Dates feature is run.
If there is an activity link, this field is populated with the latest Planned Finish date of all activities in the work package.
Planned Start
The date the work on the work package is scheduled to begin.
If there is no activity link, this field is populated with the Original Start date until the original baseline is set. It can be manually updated after the original baseline is set.
If the Data Date is specified, the date cannot be set to a date earlier than the Data Date.
If the Data Date is specified after the Planned Start date is set, the Planned Start date is before the Data Date, and the work package's Scope Percent Complete is equal to 0%, that is Installed Quantity is zero, then the date inherits the Data Date when the Modify Dates feature is run.
If there is an activity link, this field is populated with the earliest Planned Start date of all the activities in the work package.
Remaining Early Finish
The earliest date the work on the work package is scheduled to finish.
If there is no activity link, this field is populated with the latest Remaining Early Finish date of all its scope assignments. If the work package does not have scope assignments, the field is populated the Original Finish date before the original baseline is set and the Revised Finish date after the original baseline is set.
This field is blank when the scope assignment's Scope Percent Complete becomes 100%.
If there is an activity linked, this field is populated with the latest Remaining Early Finish date of all linked activities.
Remaining Early Start
The earliest date the work on the work package is scheduled to begin.
If the work package does not have scope assignments, before the original baseline is set, this field is populated with the Original Start date. After the original baseline is set, it inherits the Data Date when the Modify Dates feature is run if the work package's Scope Percent Complete is not equal to 100%.
This field is blank when the scope assignment's Scope Percent Complete becomes 100%.
If there is any activity linked, this field is populated with the earliest Remaining Early Start date of all linked activities.
Remaining Late Finish
The latest possible date work on the work package must finish to not delay the finish date.
If there is no activity link, this field is populated with the latest Remaining Late Finish date of all its scope assignments. If the work package does not have scope assignments, the field is populated with the Remaining Early Finish date.
If there is an activity linked, this field is populated with the latest Remaining Late Finish date of all linked activities.
Remaining Late Start
The latest possible date work on the work package must begin without delaying the finish date.
If there is no activity link, this field is always equal to the Remaining Late Start date of all scope assignments in the work package. If the work package does not have scope assignments, this field is populated with the Remaining Early Start date.
If there is any activity linked, this field is populated with the earliest Remaining Late Start date of all activities.
Revised Finish
The revised finish date for the work package.
If the work package does not have scope assignments, this field is populated with the Original Finish date until the original baseline is set.
When the Modify Dates feature is run after the original baseline is set, the Revised Start date is before the Data Date, and the work package's Scope Percent Complete is equal to 0%, the Revised Finish date is updated to be the same date relative to the Revised Start date as it was before the Data Date was modified.
If the work package has scope assignments, the date is always the latest finish of its scope assignments' Planned Finish dates and all approved Change Finish dates.
Revised Start
The revised start date for the work package.
If the work package does not have scope assignments, this field is populated with the Original Start date until the original baseline is set.
This field is populated with the Data Date when the Modify Dates feature is run after the original baseline is set if the Revised Start date is before the Data Date and the work package's Scope Percent Complete is equal to 0%.
If the work package has scope assignments, is always the earliest start of its scope assignments' Planned Start dates and all approved Change Start dates.
Earned Value
BAC Cost
The Revised Cost or At Completion Cost at the time the current baseline was set, depending on the selection for the Budget at Completion Method. The Revised Cost of the current project if no baseline is set.
This is the cumulative value for all scope assignments in the work package.
BAC Hours
The Revised Hours or At Completion Hours at the time the current baseline was set, depending on the selection for the Budget At Completion Method. The Revised Hours of the current project if no baseline is set.
This is the cumulative value for all scope assignments in the work package.
EAC Cost
The total cost estimated to be earned as the completion of the work package.
Calculated as ETC Cost plus Actual Cost to Date.
This is the cumulative value for all scope assignments in the work package.
EAC Hours
The total hours estimated to be earned at the completion of the work package.
Calculated as ETC Hours plus Actual Hours to Date.
This is the cumulative value for all scope assignments in the work package.
Earned Cost
The portion of the budgeted cost that is currently earned for the work package.
Calculated as Performance Percent Complete multiplied by BAC Cost.
This is the cumulative value for all scope assignments in the work package.
Earned Hours
The portion of budgeted hours that is currently earned for the work package.
Calculated as Performance Percent Complete multiplied by BAC Hours.
This is the cumulative value for all scope assignments in the work package.
ETC Cost
The estimate of the cost needed to complete the work.
Calculated as BAC Cost minus Earned Cost.
This is the cumulative value for all scope assignments in the work package.
ETC Hours
The estimated number of hours needed to complete the work.
Calculated as BAC Hours minus Earned Hours.
This is the cumulative value for all scope assignments in the work package.
Actual Cost to Date
The actual costs incurred on the scope assignment. This tracks the VOWD (Value of Work Done).
This is the cumulative value for all scope assignments in the work package.
Adjusted Cost
The amount the scope assignment work that is not yet accounted for. For example, you might enter a value to represent pending change requests that are likely to be approved.
This is the cumulative value for all scope assignments in the work package.
Approved Change Cost
The sum of all approved cost changes in the change records for the scope assignment.
This is the cumulative value for all scope assignments in the work package.
At Completion Cost
The total cost at the completion of the scope assignment.
Calculated as Revised Cost plus Adjusted Cost.
This is the cumulative value for all scope assignments in the work package.
Baseline Cost
The Revised Cost at the time the current baseline was set.
This is the cumulative value for all scope assignments in the work package.
Installed Cost
The total cost incurred on the scope assignment as of the current date.
If Rate By is set to Hours, then Installed Cost equals Revised Cost Rate multiplied by Installed Hours.
If Rate By is set to Quantity, then Installed Cost equals Revised Cost Rate multiplied by Installed Quantity.
This is the cumulative value for all scope assignments in the work package.
Original Cost
The original cost of the scope assignment.
If Rate By is set to Hours, then Original Cost equals Original Hours multiplied by Original Cost Rate. If this value is entered manually, then Original Cost Rate is recalculated to equal Original Cost divided by Original Hours.
If Rate By is set to Quantity, then Original Cost equals Original Quantity multiplied by Original Cost Rate. If this value is entered manually, then Original Cost Rate is recalculated to equal Original Cost divided by Original Quantity.
This is the cumulative value for all scope assignments in the work package.
Pending Change Cost
Calculated as the sum of all pending cost changes in the change records for the scope assignment.
This is the cumulative value for all scope assignments in the work package.
Remaining Cost
The amount left to be spent.
If Rate By set to Hours, then Remaining Cost equals Remaining Hours multiplied by Revised Cost Rate.
If Rate By set to Quantity, then Remaining Cost equals Remaining Quantity multiplied by Revised Cost Rate.
This is the cumulative value for all scope assignments in the work package.
Revised Cost
The Original Cost before the baseline is set. After the baseline is set, Revised Cost equals Original Cost plus Approved Change Cost.
This is the cumulative value for all scope assignments in the work package.
Activity Weight Method
The method used to calculate Activity Percent Complete. Methods are Duration, Labor Units, Non Labor Units, and Manual.
Duration: Planned Duration, also known as Original Duration, is used for Weight.
Labor Units: At Completion Labor Units is used for Weight.
Non Labor Units: At Completion NonLabor Units is used for Weight.
Manual: Weight is added manually.
Budget At Completion Method
The setting allows users to select which value to use for populating BAC fields when a baseline is set. Choose At Completion to include adjusted values.
Curve Profile
The curve profile used for time phase distribution of scope assignments.
Provides additional details about the work package.
The manager or person responsible for the work package.
Progress Measure
The method used to measure progress.
Milestone Percent Complete: This option uses a selected Rule of Credit to measure progress.
Physical Percent Complete: This option allows users to manually enter Installed Quantity for scope assignments.
Progress Type
Determines how the milestones are progressed if the Progress Measure is set to Milestone Percent Complete.
Sequential: Milestones must be progressed in order.
Non Sequential: Milestones can be progressed in whatever order necessary.
Rule of Credit Method
The name of the rule of credit which includes a set of milestones for which progress is measured.
Scope Percent Complete Weight Method
The weight is calculated using cost, quantity, hours, or manually entered values. Cost, Quantity, and Hours are represented as n in the equations that follow.
The n weight is first calculated for each scope assignment in the work package as Revised n multiplied by the scope assignment Scope Percent Complete.
Scope Percent Complete is calculated as Installed Quantity divided by At Completion Quantity.
The sum of the scope assignments Revised n and the sum of the scope assignments n Weight for all scope assignments in the work package are then used to compute the work package Scope Percent Complete. This is calculated as the n Weight divided by Revised n.
Completed Weight for the Manual option is calculated as Manual Weight multiplied by Scope Percent Complete.
Scope Percent Complete at the work package level for the manual option is calculated as the sum of Manual Completed Weight divided by the sum of Manual Weight for all scope assignments in the work package.
The WBS that the work package is associated with.
Actual Hours to Date
The actual hours spent on the scope assignment. This tracks the VOWD (Value of Work Done).
This is the cumulative value for all scope assignments in the work package.
Adjusted Hours
The amount of scope assignment work that is not yet accounted for. For example, you might enter a value to represent pending change requests that are likely to be approved.
This is the cumulative value for all scope assignments in the work package.
Approved Change Hours
The sum of all approved change hours in the change and transfer records for the scope assignment.
This is the cumulative value for all scope assignments in the work package.
At Completion Hours
The total hours expected to be spend at the completion of the scope assignment.
Calculated as Revised Hours plus Adjusted Hours.
This is the cumulative value for all scope assignments in the work package.
Baseline Hours
The Revised Hours at the time the baseline was set.
This is the cumulative value for all scope assignments in the work package.
Installed Hours
Hours spent on the scope assignment.
Calculated as Installed Quantity multiplied by Revised Productivity Rate.
This is the cumulative value for all scope assignments in the work package.
Original Hours
The original expected hours needed to complete all the work required to install the material quantity on the scope assignment.
Calculated as Original Quantity multiplied by Original Productivity Rate.
Before the baseline is set, this field can be entered manually. A manual entry recalculates the Original Productivity Rate to equal Original Hours divided by Original Quantity.
This is the cumulative value for all scope assignments in the work package.
Pending Change Hours
Calculated as the sum of all pending hour changes in the change and transfer records for the scope assignment.
This is the cumulative value for all scope assignments in the work package.
Remaining Hours
The number of hours left for the scope assignment.
Calculated as Remaining Quantity multiplied by Revised Productivity Rate.
This is the cumulative value for all scope assignments in the work package.
Revised Hours
Original Hours before the baseline is set. After the baseline is set, Revised Hours is equal to Original Hours plus Approved Change Hours.
This is the cumulative value for all scope assignments in the work package.
Activity Percent Complete
The percentage complete for all activities assigned to the work package.
Earned Percent Complete
Calculated as Earned Hours divided by BAC Hours for all scope assignments in the work package.
Scope Percent Complete
The weight is calculated using cost, quantity, hours, or manually entered values. Cost, Quantity, and Hours are represented as n in the equations that follow.
The n weight is first calculated for each scope assignment in the work package as Revised n multiplied by the scope assignment Scope Percent Complete.
Scope Percent Complete is calculated as Installed Quantity divided by At Completion Quantity.
The sum of the scope assignments Revised n and the sum of the scope assignments n Weight for all scope assignments in the work package are then used to compute the work package Scope Percent Complete. This is calculated as the n Weight divided by Revised n.
Weight for the Manual option is calculated as Manual Weight Factor multiplied by Scope Percent Complete.
Scope Percent Complete at the work package level for the manual option is calculated as the sum of Manual Weight divided by the sum of Manual Weight Factors for all scope assignments in the work package.
Last Published Wednesday, February 19, 2025