Scope Item Fields
Depending on your settings, the following fields might appear on the page as table columns, spreadsheet rows, or in detail windows. Fields that are generic across the application, such as Name, may not be included here.
Effective Finish
The latest Effective Finish date for Actual to Date values of all scope item's scope assignments.
Effective Start
The earliest Effective Start date for Actual to Date values of all the scope item's scope assignments.
CBS Code
The cost breakdown structure code assigned to the scope item.
Cost Category
The category name used to organize and define the cost.
Original Productivity Rate
The number of hours required to install or assemble a single quantity of the scope item material or product.
For example, if the product is 1,000 feet of cable it may be estimated to take 2 hours install one foot of cable.
Calculated as Original Hours divided by Original Quantity.
The parent PBS for the scope item.
Revised Productivity Rate
The number of hours required to install a single quantity of the scope item material or product based on current values.
For example, if the product is 1,000 feet of cable it may be estimated to take 2 hours install one foot of cable.
This field is recalculated if Current Hours are changed.
Unit of Measure
The name of the measurement type used to describe the quantity of a scope item.
Approved Change Hours
The total number of hours approved for scope item changes.
Baseline Hours
The Revised Hours at the time the baseline was set.
Original Hours
The original expected hours needed to complete all the work on a scope item.
Calculated as Original Quantity multiplied by Original Productivity Rate.
Pending Change Hours
The total number of hours waiting for approval on a scope item.
Revised Hours
The total number of hours needed to complete all the work on a scope item, including any approved changes. This value equals the Original Hours before the original baseline is set.
Calculated as the sum of Original Hours plus Approved Changed Hours, if any.
Scope Percent Complete
Sum of Quantity Completed Weight for the scope items assigned to work packages divided by Revised Quantity for the scope item.
Actual Quantity to Date
The total amount of the scope item installed.
Calculated as the sum of Installed Quantity for all scope assignments.
Adjusted Quantity
The scope item quantity that is not yet accounted for. For example, you might enter a value to represent pending change requests that are likely to be approved.
This is a manual entry field.
Approved Change Quantity
The total quantity approved for scope item changes.
Assigned Quantity
The total quantity distributed to work packages by way of scope assignments. After the original baseline is set, this number is updated to also reflect scope assignments that are created from approved quantity changes of the scope item.
At Completion Quantity
The total amount of the scope item to be installed for the project.
Calculated as Revised Quantity plus Adjusted Quantity.
Baseline Quantity
The Revised Quantity at the time the current baseline was set.
Installed Quantity
The amount of material or product that has been installed to date.
This is the cumulative value for all scope assignments created for the scope item.
Original Quantity
The original expected amount of material or product required for a scope item.
Pending Change Quantity
The total quantity waiting for approval on a scope item.
Remaining Quantity
The quantity remaining for the scope item.
Calculated as Revised Quantity for the scope item minus the sum of Installed Quantity for the scope item's assignments.
Revised Quantity
The total quantity that has been revised to account for approved changes for a scope item.
Calculated as Original Quantity plus Approved Change Quantity. Revised Quantity equals the Original Quantity before the original is baseline set.
Unassigned Quantity
The total quantity that has not been distributed to work packages. This is the amount that is available for distribution to scope assignments. After the original baseline is set, this includes all approved quantity changes for scope items.
Last Published Wednesday, February 19, 2025