Add an Activity
Add an Activity Video
Use the Activities page to add activities to a project. New activities are added with the default values configured in the project settings.
To add an activity to a project:
- Navigate to the Activities page
- In the object selector, select ﱆ Project or Program, and then select a project or a program from the list.
- From the Main Menu, select Schedule, and then select Activities.
- You can add an activity using any of the following methods:
- On the toolbar, select Add. A new activity is added with the Name field in edit mode. If the Name column is not displayed, the first column will be in edit mode.
- Press Insert. A new activity is added with the previously selected field selected in the new row. This makes it easy to quickly modify a specific field for each new activity.
- In the table, right-click a selection of one or more activities or select the Context menu next to an activity in your selection, and then select Add Above or Add Below. This is useful if you want to add activities to a specific group.
- If one or more activities are selected, an equal number of new activities are added. If no activities are selected, one new activity is added.
- At the program level, the Add button is only available when the page is grouped by Project or WBS.
- Copy and paste existing activities. See Cut or Copy and Paste an Activity for more information.
- For each new activity, enter Name and ID values.
- All changes made to this page are saved automatically.
- An option in the project settings controls the numbering of new activity IDs. When this setting is disabled, new activity IDs follow the activity auto numbering rules set in the project settings. When this setting is enabled, new activity IDs are numbered based on the following:
- New IDs are given the same prefix as the activities selected when the new activities are added.
- The starting number for new IDs begins after the largest existing ID with a matching prefix.
- The increment value of new IDs is the value set for activities in the project auto numbering settings.
For example, in a project with activity IDs A10, A30, and B50, and an auto numbering increment value of 10, a new activity added under A10 will result in an activity ID of A40 because A30 was the highest existing ID sequence with a matching prefix. If no activity is selected, the new ID will follow the auto numbering rules. The setting is disabled by default.
- You cannot add an activity in an open baseline.
Last Published Tuesday, January 21, 2025