View Log Page Fields

Summary Fields

These fields appear in the main table on the View Log dialog box.


The position of the event in the recorded workflow sequence.


A brief description of the workflow event.

Started Date

The date and time the workflow event started.

Completed Date

The date and time the workflow event was completed.


The status of the workflow event.

Description Tab

Not all of these fields will appear on the Description tab at once. Which fields are visible depends on the kind of workflow event you are viewing.

Instance Name

The name of the corresponding workflow instance.

Started By

If the workflow event was started by a user, this field shows the name of that user. If the workflow event was started by the system, this field is blank.


The workflow step associated with the workflow event.


The object that the workflow or step is running against or ran against.

Tasks Completed

The number of tasks in the selected step that have already been completed.

Task Details Tab

This tab only appears if you are viewing an event associated with a workflow task.

Task Name

The name of the workflow task. You can select the task name to view information about users' progress on the task.

Task Type

The type of task that the row describes.

Form Name

The name of the form associated with the task.

Form Version

The version of the form associated with the task.


The object that the task is running against or ran against.

Completion Policy

Specifies how many performers from the selected user group must complete the task. This field has three possible values:

Any: Any assigned performer can complete the task to advance the workflow.

At Least Half: At least half of the assigned performers must complete the task to advance the workflow.

All: All assigned performers must complete the task to advance the workflow.


The status of the workflow task.

Completed: Task was completed with no errors.

Failed: Task failed to perform.

Completed with Errors: Task was completed with errors; however, the workflow progressed.

Skipped: Task was not performed; however, the workflow progressed.

Pending: Task has a user action that must be completed in order to progress workflow.