Considerations When Moving a Workspace to a Different Workspace

When moving the selected workspace to a target workspace, some data items will be moved to the target workspace, will be moved and renamed if the same ID already exists, or will be automatically removed from the selected workspace. The following details what to expect when moving a workspace to another workspace, how data is handled in a move, security and permission information, and what circumstances will block a move from succeeding.

Important to Know When Moving a Workspace

How Data is Handled When Moving the Selected Workspace to the Target Workspace

Security and Permissions

Circumstances That Prevent a Workspace Move

The following scenarios will prevent the Move Workspace action or cause it to fail




The user does not have the Move Workspace permission for the selected and target workspace.

If the user does not have the Move Workspace permission for the selected workspace, the Move Workspace option will not be available.

If the user has Move Workspace permission for the selected workspace but not the target workspace, the Move button will be disabled in Move Workspace Dialog.

The user must have the Move Workspace permission for both the selected and target workspaces.

The number of unique workspace currencies in the selected and target workspaces combined exceeds the maximum of three workspace currencies.

Move Workspace will fail.

This needs to be rectified prior to the Move Workspace action.

The selected workspace has inherited funds.

Move Workspace will fail.

The inherited fund must be removed from the selected workspace prior to the Move Workspace action.

The selected workspace has inherited CBS.

Move Workspace will fail.

The inherited CBS must be removed from the selected workspace prior to the Move Workspace action.

The selected workspace has an inherited evaluation matrix with a different ID from the evaluation matrix in the target workspace.


Move Workspace will fail.

The inherited evaluation matrix must be removed from the selected workspace prior to the Move Workspace action.

The selected workspace has a workflow that contains an inherited User Group that does not exist in the target workspace.

Move Workspace will fail.

The inherited user group must be present at the target workspace prior to the Move Workspace action.

The selected workspace or any of its children has a Workflow that is in progress.


Move Workspace will fail.

Wait for any workflows in progress to complete or cancel the workflows in progress.

The selected workspace or any of its children contains projects that are in the process of being moved

Move Workspace will fail.

Wait for project move to finish.

The selected workspace, the target workspace, or a child of either is already in the process of being moved by another user.

Move Workspace will fail.

Refresh the Workspaces page to reflect the latest workspace hierarchy data.

The selected workspace, the target workspace, or a child of either is in the process of adding or deleting workspace.

Move Workspace will fail.

Refresh the Workspaces page to reflect the latest workspace hierarchy data.

When the selected workspace is successfully moved to the target workspace, or if the move workspace action fails, a Move Workspace Log is created. Only the selected workspace data is displayed in the Move Workspace Log. Data moved with any of the selected workspace’s children is not displayed. For more information, see Move Workspace Log.