Risk Iteration Analysis Overview
The risk iteration analysis allows you to view the first 50 iterations that comprise your risk analysis results. By being able to view each iteration, you can visualize how the uncertainty and risks entered for an activity would directly impact project costs, dates, the critical path, and critical activities. Viewing the iterations also enables you to better understand how the Monte Carlo analysis produces your risk analysis results.
Iteration analysis compares your deterministic values, which are the activity values entered on the schedule, with the random scenarios generated in each iteration. By using both table and Gantt charts, you can visualize the direct impact to the project schedule from the durations and risks applied in the iteration. You can also choose to view the impact that weather non-working days could have on your project dates.
Iterations are assigned a number so that you can revisit iterations that you'd like to view again.
Risk iteration analysis can be viewed from the Risk Iteration Analysis page. Any impact to the schedule because of weather is displayed in a light blue color highlight in the column and on the Gantt chart. The Weather Non-Working Days can be added or removed from the Gantt chart using the toggle below the Gantt chart. The Risks Impacting column is helpful to include on the grid because it provides additional information on what is causing the iteration results. To learn more about the risk analysis process, check out Risk Analysis Overview and Understanding the Risk Analysis Results.
Last Published Wednesday, February 19, 2025