P6 EPPM Data Dictionary (Integration App)
In the Integration app, you can select a project data or global data flow to include additional fields that can be exported or imported to or from P6 EPPM. These fields are visible when you select the Context menu to add a new field to a business flow.
The following information is displayed for each field:
- Field Name: This refers to the name of the field in the database.
Note: The field name may not be identical to the field label displayed in the P6 user interface (UI).
- Description: A description of the available field supported by the Integration app.
- Read-Only: Use this information when you are exporting or importing data to or from P6.
If the Read-only value for a field is set to Yes, you can export data out of P6.
If the Read-only value for field is set to No, you can import and export data to or from P6.
This data dictionary provides a detailed list of available P6 fields supported by the Integration app:
P6 Object | Description |
Activity | An activity is a unit of work performed during the course of a project. |
ActivityRisk | The activity risk object stores the relationship between a single Activity and a single Risk. |
Calendar | Calendars define the available work hours in each calendar day, and include global, resource, and project types. |
EPS | Enterprise Project Structure. |
LeanTask | Tasks make it possible to describe and report progress for activity work at a granular level by breaking an activity into its components parts. |
Project | A project is a temporary endeavor undertaken to create a unique product, service, or result. Projects usually contain a work breakdown structure (WBS) and activities. |
ProjectCode | Project codes are user-defined codes to classify and categorize projects across the enterprise. |
ProjectCodeType | Project code types provide a way of classifying project codes. Project codes are user-defined codes to classify and categorize projects across the enterprise. |
Relationship | A relationship defines how an activity relates to the start or finish of another activity or assignment. These relationships, which form the logic of the project network, are used together with activity durations to determine schedule dates. |
Resource | Resources include labor, nonlabor, and materials that are used for activities across all projects. |
ResourceAssignment | Resource assignments track the work of resources or roles that are performing various activities. |
Risk | The risk object represents a probabilistic event or condition which if it occurs has an impact on the project. |
RiskImpact | The risk impact object stores the pre-response qualitative value assigned to a risk for each of the risk thresholds. |
RiskMatrix | The risk matrix object contains the name and description of each probability and impact diagram (PID). The Risk Matrix is then used to qualitatively assess each risk and assign a score. |
RiskMatrixScore | The risk matrix score object stores the score values from the probability and impact diagram (PID) of the risk score matrix. |
RiskMatrixThreshold | The risk matrix threshold object creates a relationship between a RiskThreshold object and a RiskMatrix object. This allows a single RiskThreshold object to be associated with multiple RiskMatrix objects. |
RiskResponseAction | The risk response action object contains the detailed steps that need to occur to complete the risk response plan. Multiple actions can be associated with one response plan and each action can be linked to an activity in the project. |
RiskResponseActionImpact | The risk response action impact object is a post-risk response action qualitative value that is assigned to a risk for each of the risk thresholds. |
RiskResponsePlan | The risk response plan object communicates how the project team plans to address the identified risk. |
RiskThreshold | The risk threshold object contains the name, description, and type of each risk threshold. Risk thresholds provide a mechanism for setting up the criteria that is used to assess the risk. |
RiskThresholdLevel | The risk threshold level object stores the level information (e.g. Low, Medium, High) for each risk threshold. |
Role | Roles are project personnel job titles or skills, such as mechanical engineer, inspector, or carpenter. They represent a type of resource with a certain level of proficiency rather than a specific individual. |
WBS | The project work breakdown structure (WBS) is a hierarchical arrangement of the products and services produced during and by a project. Each element of a WBS may contain more-detailed WBS elements, activities, or both. WBS are hierarchical objects. |
In This Section
Last Published Wednesday, February 19, 2025