Manage User Groups in Global Admin
The User Groups page in Global Admin provides one central location to add user groups and assign user group access for all workspaces and projects in the application. You can select a project or workspace in the Context picker to view all user groups for that context including those inherited from workspaces in the hierarchy.
On this page, users can also be assigned to user groups for any context. Use the Show Inherited Workspace Users toggle in the Users section to view the users in the user group that were inherited by that context from workspaces up the hierarchy.
User Group Page Permissions
Access to the User Groups page in Global Admin and its functionality is only available to users with the correct permissions.
Application administrators have complete access to the Users Groups page and its functionality. They are able to view all workspaces and projects in the Context picker, view all users for any user group, and assign access for all user groups.
Workspace administrators (users assigned the Administrator permission set for a workspace), project administrators (users assigned the Administrator permission set for a project), and users with the User Group privilege for a workspace or project can access the User Groups page in Global Admin, but with limited functionality. For these users, the availability of workspaces and projects in the Context picker will depend on the user's individual access – all inaccessible contexts will be labeled Restricted in the hierarchy. These users will also not be able to view inherited workspace users for a user group if they do not have access to the workspace where the user belongs to the user group.
Workspace administrators and project administrators can assign user groups to a workspace or project on the User Groups page, but users with the User Group privilege for a workspace or project do not have this functionality.
The access and actions for a user based on their permission level are summarized in the table below.
User Groups Page Functionality by Role
| Access All Contexts in Context Picker | Add, Edit, and Delete User Groups | View All Inherited Users for a User Group | Assign Users to a User Group | Assign User Group to a Workspace or Project | View All User Group Assignments |
Application Administrator | X | X | X | X | X | X |
Workspace Administrator |
| X |
| X | X |
Project Administrator |
| X |
| X | X |
User with User Group privilege for a Workspace |
| X |
| X |
User with User Group privilege for a Project |
| X |
| X |
Note: The User Administration global privilege does not provide access to the User Groups page.
Last Published Wednesday, February 19, 2025