Fund Sources Fields
End Date
The date when money in the fund will no longer be available.
Start Date
The date when money in the fund will start being available.
The portion of the fund that has been distributed to projects, programs, or other workspaces.
The portion of the fund that has been committed to work on a project.
The portion of the fund that has been spent to complete work on a project.
The amount of money that has been distributed for the fund.
The portion of the fund that has not been consumed.
The amount of money granted for the fund.
The portion of the fund that has not been reserved for work on projects, programs or in other workspaces.
The portion of the fund that has not yet been committed to actual work.
The amount of money that has not been distributed for the fund.
Allocation Source
The project, workspace, or portfolio from which the fund was allocated to the open project, portfolio, or program.
The Allocation Source value is not necessarily the same as the original owner of the fund, since a fund can be distributed through multiple allocations.
Distribution Type
How often money in a fund can be distributed during its lifetime. This can be set to Yearly, Quarterly, Monthly, or Lump Sum.
For example, if you set the Distribution Type value to Monthly, then you can specify Total, Consumed, and Appropriated values for each month that the fund is active.
Either Active or Inactive. Inactive funds cannot be allocated or appropriated. They can only be consumed for projects or programs.
Last Published Wednesday, February 19, 2025