Security Permissions for Scope

The following security permissions enable access to the objects and functionality within the Scope app. Create workspace permission sets to enable access to relevant workspace-level data, including dictionaries, object defaults, resources, and roles. Create project permission sets to enable access to page-level functionality and creation and modification privileges for the objects in the project. Depending on the permission, actions may include add, edit, delete, view, or enable.

To use the Scope app, users should have the following permissions, depending on their role:

Workspace Permissions




Codes, Currencies, Curve Profiles, Configured Fields, Field Labels, Report Cycles, Rules of Credit, Units of Measure

Project Permissions




Add WBS from other project/templates, Baselines, Baselines - Set Project Baselines, Close Reporting Periods, Currencies, WBS


Approve/Reject Scope Change Requests, PBS, Scope Assignments, Scope Change Requests, Scope Items, Work Packages