Assignment List Fields
Depending on your settings, the following fields might appear on the page as table columns, spreadsheet rows, or in detail windows. Fields that are generic across the application, such as Name, may not be included here.
Actual Finish
The date on which the assignment was completed.
Actual Start
If the activity has started, the date work began on the activity.
The finish date for the assignment.
Planned Finish
The date the assignment is scheduled to be finished.
Planned Start
The planned start date for the assignment on the activity.
Remaining Early Finish
The date the assignment is scheduled to be finished.
Remaining Early Start
The date the assignment is scheduled to begin.
Remaining Late Finish
The latest possible date the assignment must be finished to not delay the project finish date.
Remaining Late Start
The latest possible date the assignment must begin to not delay the project finish date.
The start date for the activity assignment.
Timesheet Actual Start
Actual Start Date derived from Timesheet at the time of timesheet approval.
Actual Duration
The total working time from the assignment actual start date to the actual finish date for completed assignments, or the total working time from the actual start date to the data date for in-progress assignments.
At Completion Duration
The total working time from the assignment's current start date to the current finish date.
Planned Duration
The resource's total working time on the activity from the Planned Start date to the Planned Finish date.
Planned Lag
The planned time lag between the activity's planned start date and the resource's planned start date on the activity.
Remaining Duration
The remaining working time for the resource assignment on the activity, from the resource's remaining start date to the remaining finish date.
Remaining Lag
The time lag between the activity's remaining start date and the resource's remaining start date on the activity.
Actual Cost
The actual cost for the resource assignment on the activity.
Actual This Period Cost
The labor, nonlabor, and material costs incurred during the current financial period.
At Completion Cost
The sum of the actual costs plus remaining costs for the resource assignment on the activity.
Planned Cost
The expected total cost of the item, such as an assignment, expense, or response plan.
The price per unit of time for the resource or role.
Remaining Cost
The remaining cost for the resource assignment on the activity.
Staffed Remaining Cost
The remaining cost for resource assignments that have a filled role.
Unstaffed Remaining Cost
The remaining cost for resource assignments that do not have a filled role.
The calendar assigned to the activity.
Calculate Costs from Units
Indicates whether to calculate costs based on units for an assignment.
The resource's units and costs distributed over the duration of an activity.
Rate Source
The value that indicates which Price/Unit will be used to calculate costs for the assignment. Valid options are Resource, Role, or Override.
Rate Type
Identifies the Resource or Role rate to be used as a default when creating activity resource assignments.
Resource Type
The resource type. Valid values are Labor, Nonlabor, and Material.
The skill level of the resource an activity is assigned to. The valid values are Master, Expert, Skilled, Proficient, and Inexperienced.
Units Percent Complete
The percent complete of units for the resource assignment on the activity.
Actual This Period Units
The labor, nonlabor, and material units used during the current financial period.
Actual Units
The sum of the actual non-overtime and the overtime units worked by the resource on the activity.
At Completion Units
The sum of the actual units and remaining units for the resource assignment on the activity.
Calculated as Actual Units plus Remaining Units.
Planned Units
The planned units of work for the resource assignment on the activity.
Planned Units/Time
The planned units per time at which the resource is to perform work on the activity.
Remaining Units
The remaining units of work to be performed by the resource on the activity.
Calculated as Planned Units minus Actual Units.
Remaining Units/Time
The units per time required for the resource assignment to complete the activity.
Staffed Remaining Units
The remaining units for resource assignments that have filled a role.
Timesheet Actual Units
Timesheet actual hours logged from timesheet for the assignment..
Unstaffed Remaining Units
The remaining units for resource assignments that have not filled a role.
Last Published Wednesday, February 19, 2025