Program Security Privileges Definitions
When creating a permission set, use the following definitions to determine the functionality each privilege controls and other privileges that may also be required. Selecting one privilege may automatically select other privileges if they are required for the original privilege to function properly. These other privilege selections cannot be changed without affecting the selection of the original privilege. Any privilege requirements are noted in the definition.
Custom Log Types
Enables users to add, edit, or delete custom logs in the program Summary & Settings. Users with the Add privilege can also assign a custom log from the workspace or duplicate a custom log. Users with the Delete privilege can also remove custom log assignment. Users with the Edit privilege can also assign and remove configured fields and codes at the program level.
To be able to assign user or user group access to a custom log, or to remove that assignment, a user needs the following permissions: the Edit privilege for Custom Log Type (either in a custom Program Permission Set or by assigning the user the built-in Administrator permission set for the program) AND the built-in Administrator permission set for Custom Logs when the user is assigned to the program or workspace. This also applies to giving users the ability to edit the permissions of custom logs assigned from the workspace.
If you select the add privilege, edit is automatically selected and cannot be changed. If you select the delete privilege, add and edit are automatically selected and cannot be changed.
Edit or delete a program.
If you select the delete privilege, the edit privilege is automatically selected and cannot be changed.
Program Costs/Financials
Enables users to edit and view costs and financial information for programs.
Program Dashboards
Enables users to add, edit, and delete dashboards at the program level.
You must assign all security privileges.
Promote Report to Program
Enables users to promote a user report to program level.
Cash Flow Snapshot
Enables users to add, edit, or delete cash flow snapshots.
Program Aggregate Cost Data
Enables users to view the cost data on the Summary Cost Sheet page.
Program Budget
Enables users to add, edit, or delete program budget data.
Program Budget Approval
Enables users to approve program budgets.
Program Cost Sheet
Enables users to add, edit, or delete program CBS codes.
If you select the add privilege, edit is automatically selected. If you select the delete privilege, add and edit are automatically selected.
Recalculate Program Costs
Enables the Recalculate button on the Program Cost Sheet to refresh the data on the program.
Enables users to add, edit, delete, or view program risks.
Risk Matrix
Enables users to add, edit, delete, or view program risk matrixes.
If you select the add privilege, edit is automatically selected. If you select the delete privilege, add and edit are automatically selected.
Enables users to add, edit, delete, and view funds.
If you select the add privilege, edit and view are automatically selected and cannot be changed. If you select the delete privilege, add, edit, and view are automatically selected and cannot be changed. If you select the add, edit, or delete privilege, the edit and view privilege for Funding Costs/Financials are automatically selected and cannot be changed.
Applies to: Costs and Funds
Funding Costs/Financials
Enables users to edit and view funds and financial data.
If you select the edit privilege, view is automatically selected and cannot be changed. If you select the edit or view privilege, the view privilege for Funding is automatically selected and cannot be changed.
Applies to: Costs and Funds
Last Published Wednesday, February 19, 2025