Add a Custom Log
Create custom logs to organize and store project and program team documents, such as Meeting Minutes and Executive Reports. To view the Log List page of the Custom Logs app, you must add a custom log. You can add as many logs as required for the topics at hand.
Custom logs created at the project or program level will only be available for that project or program. If you have custom logs that you want to apply to multiple projects or programs in a workspace, you can create a custom log type in the workspace to be shared to projects and programs.
To add a custom log:
- In the object selector, select ﱆ Project or Program.
- In the object selector, beside an object name, select , and then select View Summary & Settings.
- On the Summary & Settings page, select Custom Logs.
- On the Custom Logs page, select Add.
- In the Add Custom Log wizard:
- On the Log Details step, enter a name for the log, and then select Next .
- On the Configured Fields step, select configured fields to be added to the log, and then select Next .
- On the Codes step, select codes to attribute to the log, and then select Next .
- On the Permissions step, assign permissions to users and user groups:
- Enter part or all of the user's or user group's name into the Search field.
- Select a user or user group, and then select a Custom Log Permission Set.
Note: Only users or user groups that are assigned to the project, program, or the owning workspace of the project or program are available to assign.
- Select Finish.
- To create a custom log with the same codes and permission sets as another log, select the Context menu, and then select Duplicate.
- You can delete a custom log created at the project or program level by selecting the Context menu, and then selecting Delete. To delete a log, you must first remove all associated files.
This setting is used in the following apps:
Custom Logs |
Last Published Wednesday, February 19, 2025