Send P6 Project Data to Primavera Cloud Field Mappings
The following tables list the field mappings for the Send P6 Project Data to Primavera Cloud business flow. Use this business flow to import P6 project data into a Primavera Cloud project.
Primavera Cloud Field Name | P6 Field Name |
activityCode | Id |
activityName | Name |
activityPercentComplete | PercentComplete |
activityStatus | Status |
activityType | Type |
actualFinishDate | ActualFinishDate |
actualStartDate | ActualStartDate |
calendarCode | CalendarObjectId |
calendarId | CalendarObjectId |
calendarName | CalendarName |
constraintDate | PrimaryConstraintDate |
constraintType | PrimaryConstraintType |
durationType | DurationType |
earlyFinishDate | EarlyFinishDate |
earlyStartDate | EarlyStartDate |
expectedFinishDate | ExpectedFinishDate |
finishDate | FinishDate |
isWorkPackage | IsWorkPackage |
lateFinishDate | LateFinishDate |
lateStartDate | LateStartDate |
maximumRemainingDuration | MaximumDuration |
minimumRemainingDuration | MinimumDuration |
mostLikelyRemainingDuration | MostLikelyDuration |
percentCompleteType | PercentCompleteType |
plannedDuration | PlannedDuration |
plannedFinishDate | PlannedFinishDate |
plannedStartDate | PlannedStartDate |
projectCode | ProjectId |
projectId | ProjectObjectId |
remainingFinishDate | RemainingEarlyFinishDate |
remainingLateFinishDate | RemainingLateFinishDate |
remainingLateStartDate | RemainingLateStartDate |
remainingStartDate | RemainingEarlyStartDate |
resumeDate | ResumeDate |
secondaryConstraintDate | SecondaryConstraintDate |
secondaryConstraintType | SecondaryConstraintType |
startDate | StartDate |
suspendDate | SuspendDate |
wbsCode | WBSCode |
Activity Code
Primavera Cloud Field Name | P6 Field Name |
codeTypeId | CodeTypeObjetcId |
codeValueCode | CodeValue |
codeValueName | CodeValue |
parentId | ParentObjectId |
Activity Code Type
Primavera Cloud Field Name | P6 Field Name |
codeTypeCode | Name |
codeTypeName | Name |
projectId | ProjectObjectId |
scope | Scope |
Activity Risk
Primavera Cloud Field Name | P6 Field Name |
activityCode | ActivityId |
activityId | ActivityObjectId |
projectCode | ProjectId |
projectRiskId | RiskObjectId |
riskCode | RiskId |
Primavera Cloud Field Name | P6 Field Name |
calendarExceptions | HolidayOrExecptions |
calendarName | Name |
projectId | ProjectObjectId |
standardWorkWeek | StandardWorkWeek |
Primavera Cloud Field Name | P6 Field Name |
actualCost | SummaryActualTotalCost |
actualFinishDate | SummaryActualFinishDate |
actualStartDate | SummaryActualStartDate |
annualDiscountRate | AnnualDiscountRate |
atCompletionCost | SummaryAtCompletionTotalCost |
calculateFloatBasedOnFinishDate | CalculateFloatBasedOnFinishDate |
calendarId | ActivityDefaultCalendarObjectId |
computeTotalFloatType | ComputeTotalFloatType |
costPerfIndex | SummaryCostPerformanceIndexByCost |
costVariance | SummaryTotalCostVariance |
criticalActivityFloatThreshold | CriticalActivityFloatThreshold |
criticalActivityPathType | CriticalActivityPathType |
criticalDuration | CriticalActivityFloatThreshold |
dataDate | DataDate |
description | Description |
earnedValueCost | SummaryEarnedValueByCost |
estAtCompleteCost | SummaryEstimateAtCompletionByCost |
estToCompleteCost | SummaryEstimateToCompleteByCost |
finishDate | FinishDate |
finishDateVariance | SummaryFinishDateVariance |
ignoreOtherProjectRelationships | IgnoreOtherProjectRelationships |
locationName | LocationName |
makeOpenEndedActivitiesCritical | MakeOpenEndedActivitiesCritical |
manager | OwnerResourceId |
maximumMultipleFloatPoints | MaximumMultipleFloatPoints |
multipleFloatPathsEnabled | MultipleFloatPathsEnabled |
multipleFloatPathsEndingActivityObjectId | MultipleFloatPathsEndingActivityObjectId |
multipleFloatPathsUseTotalFloat | MultipleFloatPathsUseTotalFloat |
mustFinishByDate | MustFinishByDate |
netPresentValue | NetPresentValue |
outOfSequenceScheduleType | OutOfSequenceScheduleType |
paybackPeriod | PaybackPeriod |
planDuration | SummaryPlannedDuration |
plannedBudget | SummaryPlannedCost |
plannedValueCost | SummaryPlannedValueByCost |
planStartDate | PlannedStartDate |
primaveraWorkspace | PrimaveraWorkspace |
projectCode | Id |
projectName | Name |
relationshipLagCalendar | RelationshipLagCalendar |
remainingDuration | SummaryRemainingDuration |
returnInvestment | ReturnOnInvestment |
riskMatrixName | RiskMatrixName |
schedPerfIndex | SummarySchedulePerformanceIndexByCost |
scheduleCostVariance | SummaryScheduleVarianceByCost |
startDate | StartDate |
startDateVariance | SummaryStartDateVariance |
startToLagCalculationType | StartToLagCalculatonType |
status | Status |
strgyPriorityNum | StrategicPriority |
useExpectedFinishDates | UseExpectedFinishDates |
websiteUrl | WebSiteURL |
Project Code
Primavera Cloud Field Name | P6 Field Name |
codeTypeId | CodeTypeObjetcId |
codeValueCode | CodeValue |
codeValueName | CodeValue |
parentId | ParentObjectId |
Project Code Type
Primavera Cloud Field Name | P6 Field Name |
codeTypeCode | Name |
codeTypeName | Name |
Primavera Cloud Field Name | P6 Field Name |
lagHours | Lag |
predActivityCode | PredecessorActivityId |
predActivityId | PredecessorActivityObjectId |
predActivityType | PredecessorActivityType |
predProjectCode | PredecessorProjectId |
relationshipType | Type |
succActivityCode | SuccessorActivityId |
succActivityId | SuccessorActivityObjectId |
succActivityType | SuccessorActivityType |
succProjectCode | SuccessorProjectId |
Primavera Cloud Field Name | P6 Field Name |
calendarCode | CalendarObjectId |
calendarId | CalendarObjectId |
calendarName | CalendarName |
defaultUnitsPerHour | DefaultUnitsPerTime |
emailAddress | EmailAddress |
employeeNumber | EmployeeId |
isActive | IsActive |
officePhoneNumber | OfficePhone |
otherPhoneNumber | OtherPhone |
parentId | ParentObjectId |
resourceCode | Id |
resourceName | Name |
resourceTitleName | Title |
Resource Assignment
Primavera Cloud Field Name | P6 Field Name |
activityCode | ActivityId |
activityId | ActivityObjectId |
activityType | ActivityType |
actualUnits | ActualUnits |
atCompletionUnits | AtCompletionUnits |
plannedDuration | PlannedDuration |
plannedLag | PlannedLag |
plannedUnits | PlannedUnits |
plannedUnitsPerHour | PlannedUnitsPerTime |
projectCode | ProjectId |
remainingUnits | RemainingUnits |
remainingUnitsPerHour | RemainingUnitsPerTime |
resourceCode | ResourceId |
resourceId | ResourceObjectId |
resourceRoleCode | RoleId |
resourceRoleId | RoleObjectId |
Resource Code
Primavera Cloud Field Name | P6 Field Name |
codeValueCode | CodeValue |
codeValueName | codeValue |
Resource Code Type
Primavera Cloud Field Name | P6 Field Name |
codeTypeCode | Name |
P6 EPPM Fields | Primavera Cloud Fields |
cause | Cause |
description | Description |
effect | Effect |
identifiedDate | IdentifiedDate |
projectCode | ProjectId |
projectId | ProjectObjectId |
projectRiskStatus | Status |
riskCode | Id |
riskName | Name |
riskType | Type |
Risk Impact
Primavera Cloud Field Name | P6 Field Name |
projectRiskId | RiskObjectId |
riskCode | RiskId |
riskScoreThresholdCode | RiskThresholdLevelCode |
riskScoreThresholdId | RiskThresholdLevelObjectId |
riskScoreTypeId | RiskThresholdObjectId |
riskScoreTypeName | RiskThresholdName |
Risk Matrix
Primavera Cloud Field Name | P6 Field Name |
matrixDescription | Description |
matrixName | Name |
riskScoringMatrixMethod | RiskScoringMethod |
Risk Matrix Score
Primavera Cloud Field Name | P6 Field Name |
matrixName | RiskMatrixName |
probabilityThresholdLevel | ProbabilityThresholdLevel |
riskMatrixId | RiskMatrixObjectId |
severityOne | Severity1 |
severityOneLabel | Severity1Label |
severityTwo | Severity2 |
severityTwoLabel | Severity2Label |
severityThree | Severity3 |
severityThreeLabel | Severity3Label |
severityFour | Severity4 |
severityFourLabel | Severity4Label |
severityFive | Severity5 |
severityFiveLabel | Severity5Label |
severitySix | Severity6 |
severitySixLabel | Severity6Label |
severitySeven | Severity7 |
severitySevenLabel | Severity7Label |
severityEight | Severity8 |
severityEightLabel | Severity8Label |
severityNine | Severity9 |
severityNineLabel | Severity9Label |
Risk Matrix Threshold
Primavera Cloud Field Name | P6 Field Name |
matrixName | RiskMatrixName |
riskMatrixId | RiskMatrixObjectId |
riskScoreTypeId | RiskThresholdObjectId |
riskScoreTypeName | RiskThresholdName |
Risk Response Action
Primavera Cloud Field Name | P6 Field Name |
activityCode | ActivityId |
finishDate | FinishDate |
plannedFinishDate | PlannedFinishDate |
plannedStartDate | PlannedStartDate |
projectCode | ProjectId |
projectRiskCode | RiskId |
riskMitigationCode | Id |
riskMitigationName | Name |
riskMitigationStatus | Status |
riskResponsePlanCode | RiskResponsePlanId |
score | Score |
startDate | StartDate |
Risk Response Action Impact
Primavera Cloud Field Name | P6 Field Name |
projectCode | ProjectId |
riskCode | RiskId |
riskMitigationCode | RiskResponseActionId |
riskMitigationId | RiskResponseActionObjectId |
riskScoreThresholdCode | RiskThresholdLevelCode |
riskScoreTypeName | RiskThresholdName |
Risk Response Plan
Primavera Cloud Field Name | P6 Field Name |
isActive | IsActive |
projectCode | ProjectId |
projectRiskId | RiskObjectId |
responseType | ResponseType |
riskCode | RiskId |
riskResponsePlanCode | Id |
riskResponsePlanName | Name |
Risk Threshold
Primavera Cloud Field Name | P6 Field Name |
riskScoreTypeName | Name |
scoreType | ThresholdType |
Risk Threshold Level
Primavera Cloud Field Name | P6 Field Name |
color | Color |
costRange | CostRange |
level | Level |
probabilityRange | ProbabilityRange |
range | Range |
riskScoreThresholdCode | Code |
riskScoreThresholdName | Name |
riskScoreTypeId | RiskThresholdObjectId |
riskScoreTypeName | RiskThresholdName |
scheduleRange | ScheduleRange |
thresholdType | ThresholdType |
toleranceRange | ToleranceRange |
Primavera Cloud Field Name | P6 Field Name |
parentId | ParentObjectId |
roleCode | Id |
roleName | Name |
Primavera Cloud Field Name | P6 Field Name |
isWorkPackage | IsWorkPackage |
parentId | ParentObjectId |
projectCode | ProjectId |
projectId | projectObjectId |
sequenceNumber | SequenceNumber |
wbsCode | Code |
wbsName | Name |
WBS Spread
Primavera Cloud Field Name | P6 Field Name |
ActualTotalCost | ActualTotalCost |
AtCompletionTotalCost | AtCompletionTotalCost |
EndDate | EndDate |
PeriodType | PeriodType |
PlannedTotalCost | PlannedTotalCost |
StartDate | StartDate |
Last Published Wednesday, February 19, 2025