Change Order Log Fields
Depending on your settings, the following fields might appear on the page as table columns, spreadsheet rows, or in detail windows. Fields that are generic across the application, such as Name, may not be included here.
Approval Date
The date the agreement, change, or payment application was approved.
Close Date
The date the agreement, change, or payment application was closed.
Rejected Date
The date when the agreement, change, or payment application was rejected.
Reopen Date
The date when the agreement, change, or payment application was reopened.
Submitted By
The user who submitted the agreement, change, or payment application for approval.
Withdraw Approval Date
The date when approval for the agreement, change, or payment application was withdrawn.
Change Amount
The difference between the original value of the cost and its current value.
Approval Withdrawn By
The user who withdrew approval of the agreement, change, or payment application.
Approved By
The user who approved the agreement, change, or payment application.
Associated Agreement
The agreement associated with the change order.
Closed By
The user who closed the agreement, change order, or payment application.
Collected into Change Order
The name and ID of the change order into which the commitment change order was collected.
The currency in which the change order is written.
A brief explanation of the change order
Exchange Rate
The rate of exchange between the currency of the change order and the base currency, if the currencies are different. If the currencies are the same, this field is disabled.
From Company
The company that issued the change order
From Contact
The main contact at the company that issued the change order.
From Contact Title
The title of the main contact at the company that issued the change order.
Period Applied
The billing period of the payment application to which the change order is applied.
Rejected By
The user who rejected the change order.
Reopened By
The user who reopened the change order.
The status of the change order.
Submitted By
The user who submitted the change order.
Time Change
The amount of time added to or subtracted from the agreement as a result of the change order.
To Company
The company to which the change order was issued.
To Contact
The main contact at the company to which the change order was issued.
To Contact Title
The title of the main contact at the company to which the change order was issued.
The type of agreement with which the change order is associated.
Last Published Wednesday, February 19, 2025