Commitments Overview
You can think of commitments as subcontracts. They are agreements between your company and subcontractors. While a contract covers an entire project, a commitment covers a particular subcontractor's work on a project. For example, a commitment may cover the plumbing work involved in an office building project that you are managing. Although the corresponding contract is between your company and the owning company, this particular commitment is between your company and the plumbing subcontractor.
The Commitments page is where you can view and edit your agreements with subcontractors.
When you select a commitment row in the commitment table, the Commitment Progress detail window becomes available. It shows information about the cost and time progress of the highlighted commitment.
Select the name of a commitment to view all information about it on the Commitment Details page. The Commitment Details page has four tabs:
- General: This tab shows general information about the commitment, like its name, total value, and dates.
- Line Items: This is where you add and view the individual work items that make up the commitment's total value.
- Schedule of Values: This tab captures the payment schedule that will be used in payment applications associated with this commitment.
- Files: This tab is where you link and access files related to the commitment. It can include signed, scanned of agreements, blue prints, pictures, or anything other important documentation.
- History: This tab captures the status changes for the commitment, such as when it is sent for approval, rejected, approved, withdrawn from an approved state, and closed.
Last Published Wednesday, February 19, 2025