Download an Import Template for Importing Companies, Offices, and Users
Download a Microsoft Excel template from the Companies or Users page to use when importing companies, offices, and users.
To download an import template:
- From the Main Menu, select Global Admin.
- Select Companies or Users from the list.
- On the Companies or Users page, select Actions , and then select Download Import Template.
- See Import Companies, Offices, and Users from Microsoft Excel for instructions on how to import the Import Template once it is completed.
- The import template is downloaded as a Microsoft Excel file with the default file name CompanyImportTemplate.
- The top two rows of the worksheet are required when importing companies from a worksheet. Do not change the data in these rows.
- Application administrators and users with the necessary permissions can import companies and users using the import template. A user must have the Add Companies global privilege to import new companies. A user must have the User Administration global privilege to import users for a company. User administrators will not be able to import user information for a company that does not already exist or that the user is not associated with. Companies and users for the company can be created in the same Import Template, or the Import Template can be imported with only company details or user details added.
- Review the Instructions worksheet on the first tab of the spreadsheet for helpful tips on populating the import template.
Last Published Wednesday, February 19, 2025