Add a Portfolio to a Portfolio
Portfolios can be manually added to portfolios to create a portfolio of portfolios or a portfolio with a combination of projects and portfolios. Portfolios added to a portfolio must belong to the same workspace or a child workspace of the parent portfolio. A portfolio can belong to multiple portfolios.
To add a portfolio to a portfolio:
- In the object selector, select Portfolio, and then select View Portfolios List.
- In the table, select the portfolio name.
- Select the Portfolio List detail window.
- In the Portfolio List detail window, select Edit.
- In the Edit Portfolio List dialog box, select an available portfolio, and select OK.
- Select Save.
You can also perform this task from the Summary & Settings page for the object in Primavera Cloud:
- In the object selector, select Portfolio.
- In the object selector, beside a portfolio name, select , and then select View Summary & Settings.
- On the Summary & Settings page, select Details.
Last Published Wednesday, February 19, 2025