Review Evaluation Scores for a Project, Program, or Idea
Review the individual evaluation category scores and overall score for projects, programs, ideas.
To review evaluation scores:
- In the object selector, select ﱆ Project, Program, or Idea. Select a project, a program, or an idea from the list.
- From the Main Menu, select Strategic Alignment, and then select Evaluation.
- Review the evaluation scores.
- Score: The subcategory score formula is calculated as the selected Rank Weight % multiplied by the given subcategory Weight % divided by 100.
The category score formula is calculated as the sum of the subcategory Scores. If a given subcategory does not have a score, its score is 0.
- Total Score: The score based off all ranked categories.
- Score: The subcategory score formula is calculated as the selected Rank Weight % multiplied by the given subcategory Weight % divided by 100.
- Select Save.
- If the project or program belongs to a portfolio, its evaluation score can also be reviewed on the Prioritization Matrix page at the portfolio level. Values entered on the Evaluation page are synchronized with values on the Prioritization Matrix page.
- When an evaluation subcategory Source is set to Thresholds, the Rank cell is set to read-only and cannot be edited.
- The Score is out of sync icon indicates the evaluation matrix has been updated. Select Re-Evaluate Score to recalculate scores using the updated matrix. If new evaluation categories or subcategories were added, update as needed.
- To remove all evaluation scores, select the 勞Reset Scores button. You must have the Edit privilege.
- An Evaluation Matrix must have an Active status to be used for Evaluation. See Evaluation Matrix Overview for more information.
Last Published Wednesday, February 19, 2025