Rank a Project, Program, or Idea Against Evaluation Categories
Rank a project, program, or idea against evaluation subcategories, depending on the applicability of the project, program, or idea to a subcategory, that justifies alignment with the organization.
To rank a project, program, or idea:
- In the object selector, select ﱆ Project, Program, or Idea. Select a project, a program, or an idea from the list.
- From the Main Menu, select Strategic Alignment, and then select Evaluation.
- Select a Rank for each applicable evaluation subcategory. You can review the ranking descriptions in the Ranks detail window.
- Select Save.
Note: You can only rank submitted ideas.
- If the project or program belongs to a portfolio, this task can also be completed on the Prioritization Matrix page at the portfolio level. Values entered on the Evaluation page are synchronized with values on the Prioritization Matrix page.
- To quickly clear multiple rank values at the same time, select one or more rank values, and then press Shift + Delete.
- When an evaluation subcategory Source is set to Thresholds, the Rank cell is set to read-only and cannot be edited.
Last Published Wednesday, February 19, 2025