Associate a Measure with a Strategy
Before a measure can be used to monitor strategy performance, it must first be associated with a strategy node. This will also make the measure available to add to views on pages where strategy measures are supported.
To associate a measure with a strategy:
- In the object selector, select Workspace.
- In the object selector, beside a workspace name, select , and then select View Summary & Settings.
- On the Summary & Settings page, select Dictionaries, and then select Measures.
- In the table, select the measure.
- Select the Strategies detail window.
- Select Link.
- In the Link Strategies dialog box, select one or more strategies, and then select Link.
- Select Save.
You can also perform this task from the Strategy List page:
- In the object selector, select Workspace, select View Workspaces List, and then select a workspace name.
- From the Main Menu, select Strategic Alignment, and then select Strategy List.
- In the table, select the strategy node, and select the Measures detail window.
This setting is used in the following apps:
Strategic Alignment |
Last Published Wednesday, February 19, 2025