Actuals Overview
You can use the Actuals page of the Cost and Funds app to track pending and confirmed spending for work delivered on a project. Actuals are created manually or based on scope. You can also use both methods together based on your project needs. If you use both methods for actuals, the Project Current Actuals total will add the Actual Cost to Date of a scope item.
As a project manager, storing actuals data in the application provides powerful comparison between the approved budget and pending and confirmed spending. You can also assign funds to actuals to track the source of money.
Manual Actuals
A manual actual is based on user-entered costs. Users can manually enter actuals line by line, or they can import actuals from a spreadsheet. You can add actual line items to each actual to further break down costs. Enter a lump sum amount or a unit price that will be added to calculate the Total Amount for the actual. Manual actuals roll up to the project Cost Sheet in the Pending Actuals and Confirmed Actuals fields.
Scope Based Actuals
A scope based actual is based on rolled up costs from scope assignments and scope items. Actuals will automatically roll up to the Project Current Actuals field on the project Cost Sheet page. If you selected scope based actuals and manual actuals, the Project Current Actuals field is calculated as the sum of Confirmed Actuals and Actual Cost to Date for the project. If your project will use scope based actuals, you should consult the Scope Management User Guide for more information.
Last Published Wednesday, February 19, 2025